Our work here at the Sentinel Project is important but we know that we can’t do it alone. There are many other groups around the world with whom we share a common cause and so we are always enthusiastic about collaborating. This is why I’m pleased to introduce you to a new page on our website which showcases our Partners and Sponsors.
Some, such as PAX and Genocide Watch, are strategic partners focused on the early warning and prevention of genocide and mass atrocities. PAX is a new initiative based in the United Kingdom which is seeking to monitor all available media, social networking, and other online sources for early warning indicators. Genocide Watch, based in the United States, is dedicated to early warning and prevention under the leadership of Dr. Gregory Stanton, who is also a member of our Advisory Council.
We also work with several organizations focused on specific countries where we have declared situations of concern. In Kenya, you will see that we are working with a range of organizations including Uchaguzi and Sisi Ni Amani, both of which are mobile phone-based crisis mapping and violence early warning projects. The Centre for Human Rights and Democracy and the International Governance Institute will also be helping us with information gathering through their networks.

Sisi Ni Amani is one of many great organizations we’ve partnered with recently. We’ll be working with them to monitor violence in Kenya.
Last but certainly not least is our sponsor, SevenL Networks. Sponsors are businesses that support our work through gifts of resources or funding. In the case of SevenL, a Toronto-based web and data services company, they have generously given us server space upon which we host many of our technological projects in development.
Thank you to all of the great organizations who have joined with us in working towards a world without genocide!