Job Postings: All paid positions will be posted until the position is filled. Please make sure to read the posting carefully and follow the application process.
Volunteering: The time commitment for each role is approximately 10 hours per week. Most of our volunteers are based in Toronto, Canada but we coordinate our work online so anyone with internet access can be an effective part of the team.
Our team is divided into four groups: Advisory, Research, Technology and Support. If you are interested in volunteering but do not see an applicable opportunity, we would still like to hear from you. Please contact us and we will reach back to you when we are recruiting again.
Internships / Practicums: We are no longer accepting internships for the remainder of the calendar year.
Advisory Roles
The Sentinel Project relies on a number of external advisors to provide guidance and identify partnership and collaboration opportunities.
Recommended Background / Experience
– Experience on other non-profits boards and/or advising other non-profit organizations
– Extensive network of colleagues in the non-profit sector
– Comfortable with financial and strategic issues impacting non-profits, particularly fundraising strategies
Current Openings
Operations Roles
The support team is responsible for keeping the Sentinel Project effective, responsive and agile. It is specifically handles fundraising, strategic partnerships, university chapter development, PR and volunteer coordination. If you are looking for an interesting experience with helping a young organization grow and sustain itself, please contact us!
Recommended Background / Experience
– Willing to take the initiative and work independently
– Good written and verbal communication skills
– Previous experience in the non-profit sector – particularly with fundraising and PR
– Leadership experience
– Comfortable with picking up and learning new software tools
Current Openings
Research Roles
The Sentinel Project’s strategy is driven by the work of our research team and we welcome more volunteers who wish to join us as research analysts.
As a research analyst, you will primarily work with other members of the team on two main areas. First you will help us develop a comprehensive organizational understanding of genocide based on existing research. We are especially interested in: characterizing factors, operational processes, risk assessment and forecasting methodologies and historical prevention/mitigation strategies. Based on this background, you will help develop an overall multi-layered process that includes: initial identification of communities potentially at risk, intensive situation monitoring and analysis of current events, risk assessments with time sensitivity and ideal preventive strategies, genocide scenario forecasting with ideal mitigation strategies.
Putting this together is a challenging and long-term process, and offers a lot of learning and creative problem solving opportunities. There will also be chances to publish research results should the opportunity arise. If you are interested, you will also eventually work with an associated team of volunteers in implementing an on-going monitoring process. We are a very flat organization and you will have lots of opportunities to take initiative and leadership roles within the team.
Recommended Background / Experience
– Academic research skills – literature surveys, study interpretation, statistical analysis
– Good written and verbal communication skills
– Comfortable with picking up and learning new software tools
– Background in political science, international relations, conflict analysis or something similar
Current Openings
Technology Roles
A core part of the Sentinel Project’s mandate is to find creative applications of technology to address the issue of Genocide. The technology team works on two areas:
– Supporting the group’s daily operations with technology tools – building a system to help research analysts aggregate event information and transform that into a risk analysis with associated visualizations, building an effective website/facebook/twitter presence, enabling secure document sharing, tele-conferencing etc.
– Develop technology strategies that can be deployed to address and reduce genocide risk. For example, how can cellphones be used by refugee camps vulnerable to raids to stay better prepared for attacks?
We are strong believers that technology, particularly IT, will play a key role in how genocides of the future are stopped. We are looking for others who also want to explore how we can make this happen.
Recommended Background / Experience
– Web and mobile software experience
– Graphic design and interaction design experience
– An academic background in engineering, CS or something similar – or just the ability to learn new ideas and technologies quickly!