
On 31 October 2010, the Sentinel Project core team gathered together in Toronto to conduct our Annual Strategic Review (ASR). The aim of this meeting was to examine our progress over the past year, highlight strengths and weaknesses, and set goals for the year ahead. On the topic of strengths, the overarching theme was that we have successfully transformed from an idea into an organization that is making real progress. With strong contributions from our Research and Engineering Teams, the ASR produced a list of 45 key tasks which will advance the Sentinel Project by the end of 2011. Our high-priority goals are to:

– Aggressively pursue funding
– Expand the Board of Directors
– Create an Advisory Board of experts in genocide studies and technology
– Increase the efficiency of information gathering and shorten report publication times
– Streamline volunteer recruitment and expand the Engineering Team based on specialized skill sets
– Build a university campus support network and social networks
– Initiate new situations-of-concern

Once these core goals have been accomplished, the Sentinel Project will be a different organization. We will be stronger, more effective, and able to make increasingly greater contributions to genocide prevention. Keep watching this blog for regular progress updates.