
The Sentinel Project team is inviting all of our blog readers, Twitter followers, and Facebook members to help us out with information gathering. While we are still looking for committed volunteers to take on specific roles in fundraising, technology, public relations, and research, anyone can participate in our mission by helping to predict genocide and monitor situations-of-concern (SOC) with a minimum of time and effort.

What we need is people who have information or tips about ongoing or developing situations that you think may escalate into a genocide. We now have an email account set up at tips@thesentinelproject.org and will soon have a form on our website where you can submit tips quickly, easily, and confidentially. This new program is not limited to our current SOCs either. If there is a new country or situation you think we should look at, and have evidence for why it needs our attention, submit a tip. While we don’t want to discourage any serious submissions, there are a few things in particular that are key pieces of information:

– Reports from the on the ground in any SOC
– Links to news articles (especially from obscure or foreign language media) that describe violence, torture, or mass imprisonment of minority groups
– Government harassment of leaders of religious or ethnic groups
– Video and audio of discrimination or harassment by police, military, or other authorities
– Propaganda or dehumanizing/demonizing language in print or broadcast media
– Economic discrimination against minority groups
– Reports of forced segregation of a minority group

    We appreciate that providing us with information about sensitive political situations may put you or your relations at risk. For that reason, anonymous submissions will be accepted. If for any reason you are uncomfortable with disclosing information via email, you can use tips@thesentinelproject.org to contact us, and we will do our best to find a secure way to share your information. Any non-anonymous submitters who provide critical information or who are particularly productive members of our network will be recognized.

    Even the smallest piece of information can make a difference. Join the effort and help us work towards a world without genocide.